
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

On the street: a chance meeting

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Originally uploaded by Iskra Boteva (_Azzazel)

When I saw these two people standing on the street, waiting for the green light, I've asked myself: how many times in our lives we bump into people by chance and never talk to them, we exchange a short glimpse and then walk away.
Do we have the guts to talk to a stranger? How many friends have we missed by just not daring to say hello to a stranger.
Why do people always want to become a part of that smudge crowd and just disappear in it? This is something that I'm trying to figure out. I'll keep you tuned for more interesting situations that we usually miss on the streets, just because we are too busy, too serious and do not have the time to look around for the little treasures of our daily lives.

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